Netherlands, K.N.P.S.V.
Area possibilities
We offer mostly community pharmacy placements.
Length of training periods
From 2 weeks to almost 2 months.
Available months and cities
Most placements are during the period of May-October but placements are also possible during the winter months if placements can be found (January-March). Placements are all over the country, we have some places in big cities but also places in smaller towns.
Type accommodation
We will try to have the student be hosted at the pharmacist or at a student's home. If this is not possible, we are willing to help with looking at other options such as AirBnB or a hostel. The student will not have to pay for staying at a host family. In other cases, the student will have to pay for accommodation. The costs for accommodation depend on where the student is placed.
Board, pocket money or other financial benefits/remuneration
The SEP in The Netherlands is a non paid job. When the host family invites the student for an excursion or other activity, the host and the student will have to discuss the finances. For social activities such as a SEP day or SEP weekend organized by the K.N.P.S.V., students will have to pay for themselves.
Language requirements
English written and spoken, upper-intermediate.
Other requirements
There are no set requirements but most pharmacists prefer students that are at least halfway their studies, so you would be able to do more in the pharmacy and it would be more fun for yourself as well.
We do not accept graduated students.
Information on Work Permits and Visa
If you want to come to the Netherlands, you don't need a Work Permit. For visa, it depends per country, you will have to find this out for yourself or you may contact the current SEO of your country.
Selection Procedures
No deadlines for application. We prefer bilateral exchanges. This means that we will give priority to students coming from countries that also place a dutch student. We think that is honest and a good way of cooperating.
Selection of incoming SEP students is done by the SEO in the first place. The SEO selects a couple of AF's of which he/she thinks to be a good match with the pharmacist. The pharmacists make the final decision on who is most suitable to do SEP in their pharmacy.
This page was updated on the 19th of December 2024