سويسرا, ASEP

Total number of places per year (approximately)
Visit the website
Area possibilities

This year we will only offer placements in community pharmacies. If we get placements in new areas we will update it here directly!

Length of training periods

The internships can last anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months.

Available months and cities

We are participating in Summer SEP 2025.

Placements will most likely be between June and September in both the French- and the German-speaking part of Switzerland.

Type accommodation

The accommodation depends on the place of the internship. It can be an Airbnb, a hostel or in a shared flat. You will most likely have to find it yourself thought.

Board, pocket money or other financial benefits/remuneration

Placements are usually free of payment, but this can vary depending on the offer. Switzerland is expensive in general: Per month, you should expect to pay around 500CHF for the accommodation and another 500CHF for food and travelling.

Language requirements

Official languages in Switzerland are German, French, Italian and Romansh. We have placements to offer in the French- and the German-speaking part of Switzerland, so one of these will be mandatory. English is “nice to have”.

Other requirements
  • A minimum of 3 years of study is usually recommended.
  • Health and accident insurance covering costs in Switzerland is required. If the insurance in your home country does not cover the costs, a Swiss insurance has to be taken out.
Information on Work Permits and Visa
  • Work permit is mandatory and will be requested by the employer. We can therefore only accept students from EU/EFTA countries [1] and countries that participate in the Stagiaire Programme [2]. (Getting a work permit for students from other countries is a several month-long process and students would have to get paid according to the local norm which is both not doable for us nor the hosts.)

  • The visa depends on the country of origin. For Schengen countries, no visa is usually required, an identity card or passport is sufficient. For further information and the need of a visa for other countries, please consult the "Overview of ID and visa provisions according to nationality" in documents.

[1] https://www.etias.org/blog/differences-between-eu-eea-efta-and-schengen-countries [2] https://www.sem.admin.ch/sem/en/home/themen/arbeit/berufspraktikum.html

Selection Procedures

The SEO selects the AFs that he/she thinks are a good match for the employer.
The host/employer makes the final decision as to who is best suited. Usually only students who select asep as their first choice will be considered.

The information on this page was last updated on: January 12, 2025 21:47