Zimbabwe, ZPSA

Total number of places per year (approximately)
Area possibilities

We offer placements in a range of settings, from community/retail pharmacy in different locations ie. in low income, high density neighbourhoods to upmarket pharmacies. We also have industry, private hospital practice & wholesale/warehouse pharmacy to get a feel of the supply chain and distribution setup in Zimbabwe.

Length of training periods

Our SEP program runs for 3 weeks anytime between June - August of that year in all the above stated placement settings.

Available months and cities

Placements are in the City of Kings, Bulawayo & the capital city of Zimbabwe, Harare. SEP in Zimbabwe runs anytime the student is comfortable for 3 weeks between June - August.

Type accommodation

Accommodation is with host families. The accommodation is paid for by the student and it is US$130 and US$50 for transportation for the entire duration of the SEP period. The money will be required prior to arrival in Zimbabwe so that the SEO can make all the necessary bookings and planning for your stay.

Board, pocket money or other financial benefits/remuneration

ZPSA does not offer spending money/remuneration. It is the responsibility of the incoming student to ensure that they have extra money to cater for any expenses they might incur outside of the quoted amounts in the budget the SEO provides.

Language requirements


Other requirements

The incoming student should have at least completed first year of Pharmacy school

Information on Work Permits and Visa

The ZPSA provides an Invitation Letter to the incoming student to assist in obtaining a visa. Most countries that require a visa have visas issued at the Port of Entry ie the airport upon arrival. Incoming students who fall into this category should request for a TOURIST visa and not a BUSINESS visa. The ZPSA does not do visa applications for students and it is the students responsibility to contact their consulate/embassy office to enquire about Visas to Zimbabwe as well as the application process.

Selection Procedures

The deadline for applications is 15 April for SEP running in June - August of that year. The choice of Exchange students is made by the SEO in consultation with the Pharmaceutical Society of Zimbabwe and ZPSA ExCo.

The information on this page was last updated on: January 28, 2025 18:58