المغرب, BEPC

Total number of places per year (approximately)
Visit the website
Area possibilities

Industry: Internship in industries in Casablanca

We will try to provide other visits to community pharmacies, wholesale distributors, hospitals, and to the university.

Length of training periods

The length of exchange can be organized from 3 to 4 weeks, the internship period depends on the industry (to be discussed with the SEO).

Available months and cities

Summer SEP will take place in Casablanca, the economic capital of Morocco Internships will take place in Casablanca, the economic capital in Morocco, from June to July. The exact details will be announced soon.

Type accommodation

-In a private studio situated in the university ( details ) -Other accommodation options are available if the student wants. Free or not depends on the accommodation type (to be discussed with the SEO).

Board, pocket money or other financial benefits/remuneration
  • No pocket money is provided, no remuneration. (depending on the industry)
  • The student shall bring his own money for anything extra.
  • Upon arrival, students will get a SIM card with a Moroccan number and 4G+ internet.
Language requirements

The official language is Arabic, and French. We also speak Amazigh and we have different Arabic dialects depending on the region.

Most of the students and young people in Morocco are able to speak English or at least understand it. We are requiring hosts to be able to speak English, so that you can easily communicate during your practice.

For the industry we require a minimum level of French for the students.

Other requirements

-For any type of placement, you will need to bring your own lab coat. Minimum year of study: +3 -Applicants should be open-minded and eager to learn new things in order to make the best out of this experience.

Information on Work Permits and Visa

-No work permit is required, but you might need a visa depending on where you come from. For further information please contact your local Moroccan embassy. -Our SEO will help you and provide you with an invitation letter if necessary.

Selection Procedures

The selection of the exchange students is made by SEO and the host. Deadline: 2 months before the internship.

The information on this page was last updated on: October 11, 2024 15:35