إسبانيا, AEF-UB

Total number of places per year (approximately)
Visit the website
Area possibilities
  • Research at the University of Barcelona Departments: the student will be guided by one of our Professors.

  • Community Pharmacy: where the student will work as a Pharmacy Assistant. For this area Spanish is very much appreciated (also so your experience is better).

Length of training periods

From 3 weeks to 1 month.

Available months and cities

Only during July 2024 in Barcelona.

Type accommodation

SEP students will be sharing flats or they can look for their own place. (ATTENTION: Barcelona is quite expensive in terms of house renting, about 600 euro/month). We recommend to share flats for several reasons: location, communication with public transport, we take care of all the process and paperwork and for the price. IF YOU HAVE SOMEWHERE TO STAY OR WANT TO LOOK FOR A PLACE ON YOUR OWN, LET US KNOW SO WE CAN CONSIDER YOUR APPLICATION SINCE OUR LIMITATION IS THE PLACES AVAILABLE IN THE SHARED FLATS.

Board, pocket money or other financial benefits/remuneration

No pocket or board money is provided, the incoming students have to pay all expenses.

Language requirements

English is mandatory (B2 or above). Spanish is a plus.

Information on Work Permits and Visa

For research placements, the incoming student-faculty has to sign an academic cooperation agreement. Also, the incoming student has to contract an insurance that covers medical: insurance + civil liability + repatriation insurance (http://www.assistance-etudiants.com/en/page/globe)

We recommend that incoming students bring/ask for the European Youth Card. More information about the card: https://www.eyca.org/

Selection Procedures

Our process selection is based on AF/CV, motivation letter and interview conducted by the SEO but the final decision is made by the host.

The information on this page was last updated on: October 10, 2024 19:34