إثيوبيا, EPSA
Area possibilities
Ward attachment program: During the hospital internship program, students are involved in the following: 1. Patient Care Activities: Pharmacy students participate in patient care activities under the supervision of a preceptor pharmacist. They review patient charts, medication orders, and lab results to ensure appropriate medication therapy. They may also conduct medication reconciliation, assess drug interactions, and provide drug information to healthcare providers.
Medication Management: Students learn how medications are stored, dispensed, and administered in a hospital setting. They assist with medication preparation, compounding, and distribution processes. They also learn about medication safety practices, such as double-checking high-risk medications.
Clinical Rounds: Pharmacy students participate in clinical rounds with the healthcare team, including physicians, nurses, and other professionals. They present medication-related issues, make recommendations for therapy adjustments, and contribute to patient care discussions.
Patient Counseling: Students can counsel patients on their medications, including dosing instructions, potential side effects, and drug interactions. They also educate patients on proper medication use and adherence.
Interprofessional Collaboration: Pharmacy students collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care to patients. They communicate with physicians, nurses, dietitians, and other team members to ensure coordinated care.
Professional Development: Throughout the attachment, students enhance their clinical skills, communication abilities, and critical thinking capabilities. They receive feedback from preceptors, reflect on their experiences, and set goals for ongoing learning and development.
Community pharmacy: Pharmacy students participate in community pharmacy settings as part of their training to gain hands-on experience in providing pharmaceutical care to patients in a community setting. It involves 1. Dispensing Medications: Pharmacy students assist pharmacists in dispensing medications to patients. 2. Medication Counseling: Students engage in medication counseling sessions with patients, providing information on proper medication use, dosing instructions, potential side effects, drug interactions, and Storage requirements. 3. Medication Therapy Management (MTM): Students may participate in medication therapy management services, where they review patients' medication regimens, identify drug therapy problems, and make recommendations to optimize therapy under the supervision of a pharmacist. 4. Professional Communication: Pharmacy students develop their communication skills by interacting with patients, healthcare providers, and other pharmacy team members. 5. Professional Development: Throughout their experience in a community pharmacy, students have the opportunity to enhance their professional skills, critical thinking abilities, and problem-solving capabilities
Length of training periods
Hospital pharmacy:1-3 month Community pharmact:1-2month Classroom engagment:1-2month
Available months and cities
Addis ababa,jimma,gonder,arsi,hawassa are available sites for placements in hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy and classroom engagement Full month is required for each student to be approved a certificate.
Type accommodation
Dormitory service will be provided by EPSA or host university. Money is not required for dormitory accommodation.
Board, pocket money or other financial benefits/remuneration
Exchange student is expected to provide their transportation fee, feeding, travel, and other expenses. And approximately 87.83-175.67 USD is needed which will be deposited to EPSA. Exchange students are informed no to expect any salaries or compensation for the internship program.
Language requirements
ENGLISH is required for communication
Other requirements
Each student should be at least in their 3rd year of pharmacy studies
Information on Work Permits and Visa
Exchange students are required to have a student visa which they will obtain online. Documents needed are: approval letter for internship placement, valid passport, and other documents may be required. Thus students should visit the nearest Ethiopia embassy to provide the necessary documents and to have the necessary information about visa cost, application time, and other requirements.
Selection Procedures
Deadline to apply: Aug 2023 ES will be selected by SEO or the host university. Additional documents needed proof of schooling and identification card.